16 June 2012

Rubbish is Ruining the Envrironment

Oh no, there is too much rubbish in the world!  It is harming animals and their habitats.  This is absolutely TERRIBLE!  We need to reduce rubbish by recycling and reusing rubbish all the time.  At school we recycle lots of things, so we went and had a looked in our recycling shed.
We decided to reuse some recycling to make endangered animals or traps to catch pests.  We had to work together as a team to plan and build our creations together.
Here are our finished products.


  1. Mrs Stroud18 June, 2012

    Who liked the book I bought to school made out of recycled paper using elephant Poo?
    Lucky it didnt smell!

  2. Mrs Walters20 June, 2012

    That recycling of recycling is great.
    Your all so creative its great to see that you all care so much about the environment.


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