3 August 2012

Room One Running Races

Yippee, yahoo!  I stood on the starting line.  I felt very nervous.  Mrs Christiansen shouted, "On your mark.  Get set.  Go!"  I ran so fast that I couldn't see anything.  I zoomed like a rocket.  My feet bagan to hurt.  Ouch!  I stood on a stone.  I was so excited when I got to the finish line.  Yay!  I just won a running race.  I was so puffed, I needed a big breath.
By Room 1.
Congratulations to our winning champions: 
Logan, Connor and Jack P.


  1. Mrs Stroud03 August, 2012

    Way to go boys. I bet you are very fast runners.

  2. Mrs Simpson03 August, 2012

    What a wonderful story about your running race. I think all the athletes who run at the Olympics will need a big breath at the end of their races. Some of them are so puffed, they fall over! Isn't Mrs Christiansen clever to have special podium for you to stand on.

  3. Good gob Logan you run fast.


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