24 February 2012

5 Little Men in Their Flying Saucers

We worked so well toay, we had time for a quick game at the end of the day.  This was a favourite game from kindergarten, 5 Little Men in Their Flying Saucers.  We loved flying around the room.

A Visit From Mrs O'Donnell

Every two weeks Mrs O'Donnell comes into our classroom.  If she behaves herself, she is allowed to read us a story.  We really enjoyed learning the song at the end of the book.  Thank you for the wonderful story.

Massage Circle

At the end of the day we have been having a massage circle.  We draw on each others backs.  It is a lot of fun.  We always remember to say thank you to the person behind us.

Earthquake Practice

Our class has been talking about the Christchurch earthquakes this week.  We have been practising what to do if there is an earthquke at out school.  Look at us under the table.

20 February 2012

Room 1 Gardeners

We finally got to plant our garden today.  Every other day we had time, it rained.  We needed to weed our garden, turn the soil, plant the vegetables and flowers, and then water the garden.  It was a big job.

Thinking Hats

In our class, we use Thinking Hats to help us organise our thinking.  Today was the first time we used them.
We used the hats to help us think about the scavenger hunt we did with our buddy class.  We did a lot of thinking.  We felt happy, nervous, and excited.  We carefully thought about where we would like to hide clues next time.

17 February 2012

Buddy Class

Today we went on a scavenger hunt to find clues about what makes out bodies 'Happy and Healthy.'  It was a lot of fun!  We learnt lots of different ways to wake our brains up for learning.  

13 February 2012

Maths - Statistics

Last week we brainstormed different questions we would like to find answers for.  Today we found the answer to "How many people have short or long hair from our class and buddy class?"  Every child had to decide if their hair was short or long.  This was tricky.  If your hair was above your shoulders it was short.  If it was below your shoulders it was long.  Our class decided, the best way to record the data was to use tally marks.  We guessed girls would all have long hair and boys would have short hair.  We were wrong!  26 people had short hair and 17 people had long hair.  Thank you Room 4 for letting us come into your class today!

8 February 2012

Wonderful Weekly Writer

My Weekend
I went to the fun day.  We went in a fire castle.  It had a tunnel.  I had a sausage.  It was delicious.  I chased a scarecrow.  I had a water fight.

Swimming with Mr Bramwell

Thank you Mr Bramwell for helping us learn to swim.  We enjoyed learning the new skills you taught us.  We will keep practising them over the next few weeks, so we can get better each day.

Maths - Statistics

We are getting a lot better at making graphs.  We have learnt there are many different ways to record data.  We have used a dot graph, a block graph and blocks, to answer the question, "How many letters are in your name?"
We even made our own graphs today.  We needed to cut out fruit, group them together, use tally marks and numbers to record our findings.  We enjoyed this so much, Mrs C thought there were no children in our class because we were so engrossed in our work.

2 February 2012

Big Book

We have been enjoying reading a funny big book about a lady dressed like a bee.  A silly bumblebee follows her around all day long.  Poor Maizy cannot go on the bus, eat at a cafe, or read in the library.  Maizy sings a funny song when things keep going wrong.    Tomorrow we are going to use instruments to make music for her 'Booms-a-daisy" song.

Maths - Statistics

We are learning about statistics.  This is a tricky word for us to learn.  We are asking questions, finding out the answers, and making graphs.  Today we looked at our lunch boxes.
We found it tricky to guess what colour would be the most common.  Most of us guessed our own coloured lunchbox.  So we got our lunch boxes and then we could make a better guess.  We thought pink and blue would be the most common.  We guessed there would be no brown lunch boxes and we were right.  We are still learning to talk about our findings and group similar objects together.

1 February 2012


Brrr ... Today it was a little bit cold in the pool. 
But we still had lots of fun.