28 May 2012

P.E. - Large Ball Skills

Our P.E. unit has now changed to large ball skills.  Today we went outside to learn ripper rugby.  We began by practising rugby skills and then we had a fun game.  Over the next few weeks, we will also learn to play soccer and basketball.  It is going to be lots of fun!
Parents, please ensure your children bring sensible shoes on our Monday sports days.  Thank you for your support!

27 May 2012


Well done Blake and Zoe!  You both always try very hard in class.  Blake recieved his certificate for persisting and making wonderful poppy art.  Zoe got her certificate for being an amazing writer who can use the writing process all by herself.  Congratulations you really deserve your certificates! 
Fantastic work Room 1.  We won a certificate for the class that recycles the most in the school.  Keep up the good work!  Thank you Josh and Jasmine for always sorting the recycling at the end of the day.

Crazy Day

Thank you Miss Simpson and the Student Council for organising such a fun day.
Room 1 celebrated Crazy Day in style.  We looked amazing!   
 We paraded around the room to show off our crazy clothes.
 Congratulations Regan and Jasmine for winning Room 1's craziest girl and boy costume.
Wow!  Zoe is a very crazy dancer.  She won the best dancer in our class.  Congratulations!

Learning Fun

We have been very busy at school learning lots of new things.  Here are some things we have been doing in class.
We have made monster masks to help strengthen the muscles in our hands. 
 The dental nurse come into our class and taught us how to brush our teeth properly.  We know how to take good care of our teeth now. 
Cher the Puppet, has been teaching us to hear the last sounds in words.  She needs a lot of help because her tongue gets all muddled and sometimes she says her sounds wrong.
 After a busy day in class, we enjoy lying down and listening to stories.  It is a nice way to rest and relax together.

P.E. - Te Reo Kori

The girls made poi with thier buddy class and learnt many new actions.  Then they got to create their own dances. 
The boys learnt two haka: Ka Mate and Toi Mai Te Waka. 
Thank you Regan for leading the haka.  I was amazed at how much you remembered from last year. 
We learnt many action songs and our school song, Haere Mai.  It was lots of fun to use these songs for our class fitness. 
We learnt different ways to use rakau.  We made up some rountines and are still learning actions to a song.  
The junior team had some fun afternoons where the children learnt how to play hopscotch, marbles, skipping, gutterball, frisbee and knucklebones.  We have had lots of fun learning Te Reo Kori. 

25 May 2012

Welcome Mrs Tehseen

We are very lucky to have Mrs Tehseen in our class.  She is learning to become a teacher and will be with us for 5 weeks.  We are pleased you are here.  We hope you have lots of fun in our class!

20 May 2012

Shania's Rabbit

Thank you for bringing your rabbit into school.  It is very big for a baby rabbit.  We loved patting it.

Snail Observations

We looked at snails.  We needed to draw everything we saw.  We noticed mucus coming out behind the snail and we saw its muscular foot when we looked under the glass. 

Worm Hunt

We went on a worm hunt.  We tipped soapy warm water onto the grass.  Then we needed to wait patiently.  In no time, the worms started wriggling out of the grass.  We picked them up carefully and observed them wiggle in the container.

Dimitri's Lunch

We read a story called Dimitri's Lunch.  Dimitri loved to eat feta, lettuce and tomato sandwiches.  A child was mean to Dimitri and told him his sandwich was stinky.  We made the same sandwiches.  At first we weren't sure if we would like them, but we LOVED them.  They tasted so good!