28 June 2012

Planting a Tree

Room 1 wanted to plant a tree so native birds can come and make nests in the tree.  They can then lay lots of eggs.  We asked Mrs Simpson and she said, "Yes!"  Mrs Simpson bought a tree for our class to plant.  We liked digging out the dirt.  It was very hard for us to use the spade to dig the dirt out.  We had fun picking out all the dirt.  We saw a pink wriggly worm.  Connor put the tree in the hole.  We put the dirt back in the hole.  Jack and Dylan put the grass back around the tree.  We had to step on the grass to make it flat.  Yippee, yahoo!  We did it together!  What great team work!  Thank you Mrs Simpson.

Oh no!  When we were planting our tree, we saw a rat in the chicken coup.  We saw the whole head poking out of a hole and its tail.  It was trying to sniff the eggs.  The rat smelt!  We hope it gets trapped.

27 June 2012

Our new children

Briar liked making art with us because she could draw.
Montana liked reading our big book because it was funny when people thaought it was scary and it wasn't.
Mitchell likes handwriting because he can practise writing letters.
Amelia likes reading because she can learn.
Malinda likes maths and handwriting because she got a sticker.
Ashlee E likes reading Skipper's Happy Tail.  It was cool.
Benjamin liked doing the fish art because we get to draw and that is his favourite.
Bradley likes learning to say the days of the week in Maori.

24 June 2012

Good Bye Zoe, Blake and Heather

You have been such a delight to have in Room 1.  Our class will not be the same without you.  We will miss you!  We wish you all the best for Room 2.  You are going to have a blast, they are lucky to have you.

Congratulations Ashlee H and Jack P

Well done!  You both deserve the certificates this week.  Ashlee recieved her certificate for making amazing progress with her writing.  Keep up the hard work Ashlee!  Jack received his certificate for having excellent ball skills.  You are amazing!

Burger Day

Thank you Student Council for making delicious chicken burgers and hashbrowns.  They were absolutely scrumptious.

Room 6 Visit

Room 6 came and helped us in our class.  We were able to get so much done. We made art together, learnt to use a computer programme called 'Wordle', played on the playground together, and read some books.  Thank you for your help, we would not have been able to get all this done without you.

Thank You PTA

The PTA have brought our school lots of new equipment.  We really enjoyed grouping the new 3D shapes together.  We could group them by shape, colour and size.  Thank you PTA!

Congratulations Heather

Heather won 2 trophies at a highland dancing competition.  She won for best '6 and under' and for achieving the most points overall.  Wow Heather, that is amazing.  We are all very proud of you!

Room 7 Visit

We are very excited to have 8 lovely children from Room 7 come and visit our class.  These are very important visits because they will be in our class very soon.  We cannot wait until next week when you will be a part of our class.
 We had lots of fun dancing.
 We made some geometry art.
We created some clean oceans for our fish.  It was a lot of fun!

Position and Orientation

It has been a lot of fun learning about position and orientation in class.  We are now experts!

16 June 2012

Good Bye Mrs Tehseen

Thank you for teaching us Mrs Tehseen.  We will miss you very much!

Pukeko Swamp Eggs

Our class loved to read our big book, called Swamp Eggs.  There were lots of pests that tried to eat the pukeko's eggs.  We decided to make our own clay egg nests.  First, we made pinch pots.  Then, we shaped them to look like nests.  We smoothed the inside of the nest with wet sponges and added texture to the outside with tooth picks.  Next, we rolled clay into balls for eggs.

Elephant Poo Book

Mrs Stroud brought a very interesting book to share with us.  She explained it was made only out of elephant poo.  We thought it would be very smelly.  It had an unusual smell, but nothing like poos.  The pages were very lumpy.  It was exciting to see a recycled book.  Thank you Mrs Stroud.

Buddy Class

We love spending time with our buddy class.  Both of our classes are learning about position and orientation.  Room 4 made some directions for us to follow.  It was a lot of fun.  Thank you for the wonderful time Room 4. 

Rubbish is Ruining the Envrironment

Oh no, there is too much rubbish in the world!  It is harming animals and their habitats.  This is absolutely TERRIBLE!  We need to reduce rubbish by recycling and reusing rubbish all the time.  At school we recycle lots of things, so we went and had a looked in our recycling shed.
We decided to reuse some recycling to make endangered animals or traps to catch pests.  We had to work together as a team to plan and build our creations together.
Here are our finished products.