27 September 2012

Sharing Our Invention Video

Today, we went to Room 7 and 4 to share our invention video.  We also got to watch theirs.  It was fantastic seeing how hard everyone worked to build their inventions.  We hope you enjoyed making them as much as we did!

We Made Games for our Class

After we all made our own games, we chose three games for our class.  We worked very hard to create the best game we could.  They look amazing.  We are very proud of them and are looking forward to some wet lunch times so we can play with them.

Sharing Our Inventions

The children at Halcombe School are very clever.  They have all been working very hard to create new inventions or adapting old inventions.  Everyone took their inventions outside to share with the school.  It was fantastic being able to talk about our inventions and being able to ask others about their inventions.

25 September 2012

We Spoil Mrs Christiansen

The children in Room 1 always spoil me.  I always get lots of letters, cards, pictures and paper planes.  Today, some children made me some daisy chains.  I hang them in my hair.  They were beautiful.  Thank you very much!

Mrs O'Donnell

A few weeks ago we had our class photo.  We all looked amazing.  We cannot wait to see what it looks like.  Mrs O'Donnell brought her school photo from home to share.  It was black and white and the children were all wearing the same clothes.  We are lucky getting to choose our own colourful clothes and getting colourful photo's.  It was tricky trying to find Mrs O'Donnell in the photo's.

Kapa Haka Performance

Well done everyone!  You were amazing in assembly on Friday.  I am very proud of the progress you have made this year.

17 September 2012

Benjamin's Invented Game

Benjamin invented a new game where people throw paper planes.  Whoever's plane flies the furthest, wins.  Room 1 and 7 invented their own paper planes and flew them in the hall. 

Congratulations Jack P, your plane flew the furthest.  Well done Caleb, Jack and Jaxon, your planes came second.


A big thank you to all the families who sold chocolates during the year.  We have spent some of the money raised on magnets for our class.  The children have had lots of fun with the new equipment, especially on wet lunch days.

Inventing Shapes

We are very creative.  We used our bodies to create different shapes.


We have been learning about inventions.  Our class have decided to make games for our room.  We have needed to plan our ideas and create a prototype.

Then we played our games.
We needed to give each other feedback.  We explained what we liked, didn't like and suggested new ideas to improve the games.  We chose to listen to our friends ideas or make our own changes.  We worked hard to modify our games.
Once we were happy with our adaptions, we shared our games with our buddy class.

Volcano Eruption

Volcano Eruption
Boom, boom!  The lava comes out of the volcano.  It comes out of it like race cars.  Fire boosters start up like an explosion.  If I was climbing a volcano I would feel scared if the volcano erupted while I was climbing it.
By Dylan.
Volcano Eruption
A volcano is hard like rock.  It has heaps of bumps on the volcano.  When a volcano erupts, lots of ash comes off.  It looks like a cloud.  Volcanos erupt red and orange like fireworks.
By Joshua.


Every day we are given some wheels and axels.  Here are some of our creations that we made.

Saturday Morning Rugby

It was amazing to see the boys in our class play ripper rugby on Saturday.  You have all improved so much.  Keep up the hard work.

Daffodil Day

We had lots of fun on Daffodil Day.  We dressed up in yellow and danced around the courts in a parade.  We were very happy to support Daffodil Day.